Friday, August 17, 2012
Undulatus asperatus
Harva esinev pilvetüüp, mis pilvede klassifikatsiooni lisati üsna hiljuti, 2009. aastal. Nimi tuleneb selle pilve lainjast aluspinnast. Kuigi need pilved näivad sünged ja tormi ennustavad, siis ometi enamasti hajuvad nad ilma tormi tekketa.
Rarely met cloud type, which rather lately in 2009 was added into cloud classification. The name origins from the wave-like formation of the cloud undersurface. Although they look dark and storm-like, they tend to dissipate without a storm forming.
Teravmäed, august 2012 / Svalbard, August 2012
Rarely met cloud type, which rather lately in 2009 was added into cloud classification. The name origins from the wave-like formation of the cloud undersurface. Although they look dark and storm-like, they tend to dissipate without a storm forming.
Teravmäed, august 2012 / Svalbard, August 2012