Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Värvide tunnel / Tunnel of colors

Sügis on peagi käes. Aeg on sukelduda värvide tunnelisse.

Soon the fall is here! It becomes a time to enter into the tunnel of colors,

Eesti, sügis 2008 / Estonia, fall 2008

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hoitud lubadus / A promise kept

Minu vanem poeg Nansen tegi mulle teele kaasa selle vahva joonistuse. Ta teadis, et seal jääväljade keskel tunnen vahest enim puudust rohelisest murust jala talla all, tuules mühisevate puude helist, mahlaste õunade suvisest lõhnast ja ehk isegi päikese soojusest. Pildi taha kirjutas ta oma käega "Näkemiseni Timo... kirutas Nansen" Seejärel vaatas ta mulle silma ja küsis: "Sa ju tuled tagasi issi?" Neelatades klompi kurgus, vastasin: "Muidugi tulen, luban teile pojad - ma tulen tagasi!" See oli lahkumise rängeim hetk...

Raskeimatel ja väga kriitilistel hetkedel ekspeditsiooni jooksul meenus mulle alati see antud lubadus. Pole vist tarvis kirjeldada, millist imelist jõudu ja usku see noil hetkil andis. Kui nüüd lõpuks üle koduläve astusin, siis tundsin uskumatut kergendust. Teadsin, et just äsja olin pidanud kinni kalleimast lubadusest oma elus - jõudsin tagasi koju.

My older son Nansen made this great artwork for me to my journey. He knew that in the middle of the frozen ice fields I will perhaps miss the most green grass underneath of my feet, sound of the trees in the blowing wind, summer smell of juicy apples and may be even warmth of the sun. Other side of the drawing he wrote with his own hands "See you Timo... Nansen wrote" Then he looked into my eyes and asked: "You are coming back daddy, aren't you?" Swallowing lump in throat I replied: "For sure I come, I promise to you my sons - I will come back!" That moment was the hardest on my leave...

On the hardest and critical moments during the expedition this given promise always came to my mind. No need to describe what a strength and belief that gave to me on those moments. When now I finally stepped across my doorsill, I felt incredible relief. I knew that I just had kept the most precious promise in my life - returned back home.

Põhja-Jäämeri 2012 / Arctic Ocean 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

On aeg... / It's time...

...koju minna.
Linnud on lahkunud, mäetipud kattuvad valge lumevaibaga, päevavalgust jääb vähemaks. Miski ütleb, et ka kodumaal on suvised temperatuurid möödanik ja mõnus jahe õhk tervitamas. Pool aastat on piisav aeg, et hakata puudust tundma metsa mühast ja roheluse lõhnadest.
On aeg tagasi tulla.

...to go home.
Birds are gone, mountains become to have a white snow cover, there is less and less daylight. Something is saying that summer temperatures in homeland are also passed and nice cool air will be welcome me. Half of the year is long enough time to start miss the sound of the wind in the woods and the smell of the green.
It's time to return.

Karupere lahkumas, Põhja-Jäämeri 2012 / Polar Bear family on leave, Arctic Ocean 2012