Zagrey, suurepärane jääkaruvaht Siberist, demonstreeris veelkord, missugune kartmatu hing on temas. Ma olin Zagile väga tänulik selle ennastsalgava katse eest peletada too huviline instrumentidest eemale. Kiirgusmõõtjate masti uurisid jääkarud regulaarselt, näidates üles mitte just tervitatavat huvi selle instrumendi vastu. Tähelepanu oli sedavõrd suur, et ma olin sunnitud lõpuks ehitama ühe sarnase kuju ja harali kätega lumememme, et nende tähelepanu teadusinstrumendilt hajutada. Uskuge või mitte, aga see tõesti töötas:)
Zagrey, the Great polar bear guard from Siberia, demonstrated once more what a fearless spirit he has. I was very grateful to Zag for such a self-sacrificing attempt to scare that hobbyist away from instruments. Radiometer mast was regularly studied by bears, who showed up not very welcome interest in my instrument. So much attention was paid to this particular one, that it forced me to build one snowman with similar shape and open arms to dissipate their attention from scientific instrument. Believe or not that really worked:)
You wouldn’t believe how fast can move hundreds of kilos body, once you have seen it!