Saturday, September 17, 2011

Eriline laevakere / The special hull

Tara jäässe külmununa Põhja-Jäämerel, Tara frozen into ice in the Arctic Ocean
Vaadates sellist pilti nagu käesolevas postituses, võib imestada ja küsida, kuidas...pole see laev purustatud tohutu surve poolt, mida tekitab Põhja-Jäämere paakjää liikumine. Saladus peitub unikaalses laevakeres. Traditsioonilise laevakere asemel on Tara tunduvalt ümarama ehitusega, ilma, et seal oleks ühtki teravat serva, mille taha jää võiks klammerduda. Isegi tüür on loodud nii, et seda saab laeva tõsta. Seega, selle asemel, et jää surve laeva purustaks, tõstab see hoopis aluse üles, kus ta jää peale “ujuma” jääb. 
Idee, ehitada laev, mis sellisele survele vastu paneks mitte oma tugevusega vaid pigem kujuga, pärineb polaaruurijalt Fridtjof Nansenilt. Frami näol konstrueeris selle laevameister Colin Archer.
Veelgi enam, tänu kaasaegsetele materjalidele nagu alumiinium, sai Tara tunduvalt kergem, kui seda Fram omal ajal oli. Seega lihtsam on jääl teda tõsta!

When looking picture like this, one would wonder and ask how...this vessel is not crushed by the huge pressure what Arctic Ocean pack ice movement creates. The secret is an unique hull. Instead of traditional shape of hull, Tara has more round one, without any sharp edge on which the ice could cling. Even rudder is designed to be retracted into the ship. So instead of being crushed by the pressure of ice, ship is pushed up and therefore “floats” on top of the ice.
The idea, to build a ship that could survive the pressure, not by pure strength, but because of the shape, originally comes from the polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen and was constructed by the shipwright Colin Archer, once when Fram was builted.
Even more, thanks for the modern materials like aluminium, Tara became much lighter than Fram was. So it’s easier for ice to lift her!

Tara paakjääs, Põhja-Jäämeri 2007 / Tara in pack ice, Arctic Ocean 2007