Pildil kujutatu on koht kus nad elavad, kus see ulguminegi lindistatud on.
The image shows the place where they live, where the howling has been recorded.
Mütoloogia ja folkloor on täis lugusid huntidest. Hunt on ilmselt see metsloom, kes meie kuulsate müütide ja legendidega enim seotud. Paraku on teda seal kujutatud mitte just hea tegelaskujuna. Alateadlik hirm, mida me huntide vastu tunneme, pärineb ilmselt juba meie esivanematelt, kelle rajad huntide omadega millalgi liigagi sageli kohtuma hakkasid. See on toonud huntidele üsnagi halva kuulsuse, mille tulemusel on kujunenud meie vägivaldne ja tõrjuv hoiak nende suhtes. Huntide suhtes tuntavast instinktiivsest hirmust sai ka meie metsade ja ürglooduse hirmuäratav sümbol. Olend, kes kunagi sümboliseeris jõudu ja vaprust, muutus sünge ja metsiku kujundiks. Ometi on hundid loodusmaastiku ja ökosüsteemi loomulik osa - vägagi vajalik osa.
Kui mingil helil loodusmaastikus võiks olla jõudu, sõltumatust ja taltsutamatust sümboliseeriv tähendus, siis minu jaoks oleks see huntide ulgumine - tõeliselt ürgne kutse!
Mythology and folklore is full of stories about wolves. Wolf is probably a wild beast, that has been most deeply embedded in many of our famous myths and legends. But mostly presented as a not good character. Subconscious fear what we feel against wolves probably origins already from our ancestors on early days when paths of these two started to cross too many times. That has brought to wolves rather bad reputation what has resulted with our violent and resistant attitude against them. An instinctive fear of the wolf became a fearsome symbol of our woods and wild nature. Creature that once symbolised strength and courage became dark and savage. Yet, they are a natural part of the landscape and the ecosystem - a very needed part.
If there could be a sound in wild landscape what could symbolize strength, independency and untamableness, then for me it would be the howling of the wolves - a truly call of the wild.
Huntide maa / The Wolfland